Dental Implant Center of Rockville provides wisdom teeth removal in Rockville, MD. Call 301-294-8700 to learn more and schedule an appointment.
A wisdom tooth that is deemed problematic is normally extracted to avoid any oral complications. To have a wisdom tooth removed, a small incision is made to open up the gum tissue over the tooth and remove any bone that is covering the tooth. Once the tooth is in view, it is gently grasped with a dental instrument, known as a forcep, and gently rocked back and forth to loosen it from the jaw bone and surrounding ligaments. Sometimes the tooth may need to be cut into smaller pieces to make it easier or removal. Stitches may be necessary after the removal of a wisdom tooth.
An impacted tooth is one that is blocked from erupting. Impacted wisdom teeth that are blocked from coming in properly:
- May instead come in at an angle, pushing against the molars and causing overcrowding.
- May not erupt fully, remaining instead either partially or fully below the gum line.
- May cause bacteria to become trapped beneath the gum and lead to infection and gum disease.
Wisdom teeth extraction is generally an effective means of preventing crowding of the teeth, impaction of wisdom teeth, red, swollen, or painful gums caused by a partially erupted wisdom tooth, and gum disease and tooth decay.
Depending on the complexity of the extraction, the doctor will use local anesthesia, sedation, or general anesthesia to increase patient comfort during and after the procedure. Generally, the procedure can be performed in the doctor’s office.